Enjoy using the state of the art transcription software offered by Nuance. Dragon Speech Recognition Software lets you dictate documents, search the web, email and more on your computer – quickly and accurately – just by using your voice. You don’t even have to lift a finger.
Dictate reports, create presentations, spreadsheets and more to spend less time completing documents and deliver greater productivity across the enterprise. Dictate 3x faster than typing, with up to 99% recognition accuracy.
Using Nuance, TASK can support your enterprise initiatives. Dragon 13 Professional provides security features, configuration options and administrative tools that make it easy to manage voice profiles, custom vocabularies and commands, feature access and multiple installations over a network. Administrators can obtain a recognition log file for each end-user, enabling them to gather rich, objective usage information.
They can use this information to provide targeted advice for improving recognition accuracy and to measure return on the solution investment.
Training and Support
TASK offers hands on training for you and your support staff on the full use of this software. Training is available either in person or over the internet.

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